Rex's Blog and Answers to HDI ("How Do I... ?")
Many of you are using a free account on Cloudflare to handle the internet trafficĀ toĀ eliminate the need for "" in your web address / domain name.Ā If so, you may receive an email from the Marketing Department at Cloudflare offering to have your domain REGISTRATION transferred over to th...
Stick around for my attempt at humor late in this video.
Before the humor, I explain in more detail the benefits of using a FREE account on Cloudflare to remove the .MyKajabi from your custom domain web address.
Beyond the Help files:
Google Search Console is a great tool to help you optimize your website to be visible and findable on the search engines.Ā But the help files & instructions for setting up your site on Google Search Console do not include instructions when you use CloudFlare to remove the ".M...